Desenvolupament de la identitat investigadora
El convenciment de que cal un nou perfil investigador capaç de desenvolupar la seva trajectòria professional amb i per la societat orienta els estudis de l’equip en aquest eix estratègic. Així mateix, el desenvolupament de competències científiques, transversals i d’emprenedoria en diferents contextos són objectius que guien les activitats de recerca, disseminació i transferència de les línies de recerca que treballen en aquest eix estratègic.
Garcia-Morante, M., Sundström, L. M., Pyhältö, K., & Castello, M. (Accepted/In press). Transitioning Beyond Academia: Engagement and Disengagement Experiences of HASS PhD Holders. Studies in Higher Education.
Negretti, R., Solli, K., McGrath, L., Sala-Bubarè, A., & Castellò, M. (2025). Doctoral education at the intersection of academia and the professions in Europe: towards innovative writing pedagogies.
Diaz-Villalba, L., & Castelló, M. (2024). Doctoral Training in Paraguay: Current Situation and Unresolved Challenges. Revista iberoamericana de educación superior, 15(44), 73-91.
Garcia-Morante, M., Weise, C., Diaz Villalba, L.K., & Castelló, M. (2024). Strengths and weaknesses of PhD training to develop alternative careers. Insights from PhD holders working beyond academia, Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education.
Garcia-Morante, M., Castelló, M., & Sala-Bubaré, A. (2024). PhD holders at the boundaries and knowledge brokering. Studies in Continuing Education, 1–19.
Mason, S., Frick, L., Castelló, M., Cheng, W., Chong, S. W., Díaz Villalba, L., Garcia-Morante, M., Sum Kong, M., Sakurai, Y., Sproken-Smith, R. & Weise, C. (2024). Prominence, Promotion and Positioning of the ‘Thesis by Publication’in Six Countries. Higher Education Policy, 1-21.
Mason, S., Frick, L., Castelló, M., Cheng, W., Chong, S. W., Díaz Villalba, L., Garcia-Morante, M., Sum Kong, M., Sakurai, Y., Sproken-Smith, R. & Weise, C. (2024). What makes a Thesis by Publication? An international study of policy requirements and restrictions. Journal of higher education policy and management, 1-16.
McAlpine, L., & Castelló, M. (2024). What do PhD graduates in non-academic careers actually do?: Interaction between organisation mission, job specifications and graduate lived experience. Learning and Teaching, 17(1), 77-106.
Rönkkönen, S., Virtanen, V., García-Morante, M., McAlpine, L., Castelló, M., & Pyhältö, K. (2024). STEM PhD holders working outside academia: the role of social support in career transition. European Journal of Higher Education.
Sala-Bubaré, A., Garcia-Morante, M., Castelló, M., & Weise, C. (2024). PhD holders’ working conditions and job satisfaction in Spain: a cross-sector comparison. Higher Education Research & Development, 1–15.
Castelló, M., García-Morante, M., Díaz, L., Sala-Bubaré, A. & Weise, C. (2023) Doctoral trends development in Spain: From academic to professional paths, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 60:5, 736-747, doi: 10.1080/14703297.2023.2237958
Castelló, M., & Iñesta, A. (2023). Doctoral Students' writing Regulation. The impact of the socially-shared revision in academic texts. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 68(247), 10.
Castelló, M. & Sala-Bubaré, A. (2023). Research writing as a tool for doctoral students and early career researchers’ development. In R. Horowitz (ed.). Handbook on Writing. Routledge (pp. 366-378). Routledge.
Corcelles-Seuba, M., Suñe-Soler, N., Sala-Bubaré, A. & Castelló, M. (2023) Doctoral student perceptions of supervisory and research community support: their relationships with doctoral conditions and experiences, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 47:4, 481-491, doi: 10.1080/0309877X.2022.2142102
Sala-Bubaré, A., & Castelló, M. (2023). Exploring writing processes in authentic writing tasks: A multimodal mixed-method approach. Journal of Second Language Writing, 61, Article 101038.
Sala-Bubaré, A., Castelló, M., Corcelles, M., & Suñé-Soler, N. (2023). Researchers' strategies to cope with the covid-19 impact on their activity. Current psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.), 1–9. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s12144-023-04601-5
Weise C, Suñe-Soler N, Corcelles M, Sala-Bubaré A, & Castelló M. (2023). Unveiling the Emotional Turmoil: How Covid-19 impacted researchers and the pursuit of emotional well-being in academia. bioRxiv; 2023.
Lokhtina, I.A., Castelló, M., Lambrechts, A.A., Löfström, E., McGinn, M.K., Skakni, I. & van der Weijden, I. (2022), "The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on early career researcher activity, development, career, and well-being: the state of the art", Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 245-265. doi: 10.1108/SGPE-10-2021-0076
Lokhtina, I.A., Colombo, L., Amelia, C., Löfström, E., Tammeleht, A., Sala-Bubare, A., Jazvac-Martek, M., Castelló, M. & McAlpine, L. (2022), "Refining virtual cross-national research collaboration: drivers, affordances and constraints", Journal of Work-Applied Management, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 302-315. doi: 10.1108/JWAM-02-2022-0010
Sala-Bubaré, A., Corcelles, M., Suñé-Soler, N., & Castelló, M. (2022). Researchers’ perceptions of COVID-19 impact on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)-based practices and society’s view of science in the first months of the pandemic. Tuning Journal for Higher Education, 10(1), 241-262. doi: 10.18543/tjhe.2324
Aguayo, M. & Weise, C. (2021). Career transition and identity development of nursing academic: A qualitative study. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, pp.1-19. doi:10.1080/10720537.2021.1936711.
Castelló, M., Sala-Bubaré, A., & Pardo, M. (2021). Post-PhD researchers’ trajectories and networking: The mediating role of writing conceptions. Written Communication, 38, pp. 479-511. doi:
McAlpine, L., Skakni, I., & Inouye, K. (2021). PhD careers beyond the traditional: integrating individual and structural factors for a richer account. European Journal of Higher Education.
McAlpine, L., Skakni, I., Sala-Bubaré, A., Weise, C., & Inouye, K. (2021). Examining cross-national research teamwork: Revealing rewards and challenges. Qualitative Research Journal.
Skakni, I., Inouye, K., & McAlpine, L. (2021). PhD holders entering non-academic workplaces: Organisational culture shock. Studies in Higher Education.
Desenvolupament de la identitat professional educativa
La consideració de que es necessita un canvi en el perfil identitari dels professionals de l’educació per encarar els reptes de l’agenda 2030 és comú a tots els treballs que s’agrupen sota aquest eix estratègic. També ho és la constatació a nivell empíric i teòric de que els processos d’indagació permeten desdibuixar les fronteres entre recerca i innovació educativa, un aspecte especialment rellevant, necessari i innovador en el context de recerca internacional sobre el tema.
Meneses Pinto, C., & Liesa, E. (2025). Development of Teacher Identity Towards Inclusive Voices. A Case Study. The Journal of Experimental Education, 1–19.
Contreras, N., Liesa, E., & Giralt-Romeu, M. (2024). How pre-service teachers change their view of forms of inquiry after participating in an inquiry-based practicum. Teaching and Teacher Education, 140, 104478.
Meneses-Pinto, C., & Liesa, E. (2024). El desarrollo de la voz inclusiva durante la participación en una comunidad profesional de aprendizaje. Revista CS, (44), a07.
Ventura, A. C., Liesa-Hernández, E., & Roncancio-Moreno, M. (2024). Towards the integrated study of the dialogical self and agency to research personal change in education / Hacia el estudio integrado del yo dialógico y la agencia para investigar el cambio personal en educación. Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 47(4), 672-685.
Álvarez, I.M., Manero, B., Morodo, A., Suñé-Soler, N., & Henao, C. (2023). Realidad Virtual Inmersiva para mejorar la competencia de gestión del clima del aula en secundaria [Inmersive Virtual Reality to improve competence to manage classroom climate in secondary schools]. Educación XX1, 26(1), 249-272. doi: 10.5944/educxx1.33418
Liesa, E., Mayoral, P., Giralt-Romeu, M., & Angulo, S. (2023). Video-Based Feedback for Collaborative Reflection among Mentors, University Tutors and Students. Education Sciences, 13(9), 879.
Monereo, C. (2023). Aprender de las crisis. Los incidentes críticos como metodología para educar, también, emocionalmente. Revista Internacional De Educación Emocional Y Bienestar, 3(1), 15–37. doi: 10.48102/rieeb.2023.3.1.43
Alvarez, I.M., González-Parera, M., & Manero, B. (2022) The Role of Emotions in Classroom Conflict Management. Case Studies Geared Towards Improving Teacher Training. Front. Psychol. 13:818431. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.818431
Badia, A. (2022) Three teacher identities in two school education systems: Catalonia and Peru, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. doi: 10.1080/03057925.2021.2022460
Badia, A. & Clarke, A. (2022) The practicum-mentor identity in the teacher education context, Teaching Education, 33:4, 355 371, doi: 10.1080/10476210.2021.1920910
Badia, A. & Liesa, E. (2022) Experienced teachers’ identity based on their I-positions: an analysis in the catalan context, European Journal of Teacher Education, 45:1, 77-92, doi: 10.1080/02619768.2020.1795122
Badia, A., Segués, T. & Soler-Campo, S. (2022) Building teachers’ voices on teaching in a research-informed teaching course, Journal of Education for Teaching, 48:3, 274-286, doi: 10.1080/02607476.2021.1992252
García Raga, L., Sala-Bars, I., Alguacil de Nicolás, M., Boqué Torremorell, M. C., (2022) School administrators' perceptions of democratic coexistence in Catalan schools: An analytical study South African Journal Of Education 42 2. doi: 10.15700/saje.v42n2a2055
Mollá, N. & Castelló, M. (2022) Characterisation of the professional identity of school principals (Caracterización de la identidad profesional de los directores de escuela), Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 45:4, 804-841, doi: 10.1080/02103702.2022.2096289
Podestá González, S. P., Álvarez Valdivia, I. M., & Morón Velasco, M. (2022). Formación docente en competencia intercultural ¿Cómo se desarrolla? Evidencias desde un prácticum orientado a fomentarla. Psicoperspectivas, 21(1), 111-123. doi: 10.5027/psicoperspectivas-vol21-issue1-fulltext-2543
Martin, S., Álvarez, I.M., & Espasa, A. (2022). Video feedback and Foreign Language Anxiety in online pronunciation tasks. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 19. doi:
Altamirano-Droguett, J., Nail-Kröyer, Ó., Monereo-Font, C., & Salazar-Llanos, Y.. (2021). Identidad profesional, incidentes críticos y estrategias de afrontamiento en el profesorado de matronería. Enfermería universitaria, 18(3), 271-284. Epub 01 de julio de 2023.
Badia, A., Segués, T., & Soler-Campo, S. (2021). Building teachers’ voices on teaching in a research-informed teaching course. Journal of Education for Teaching, pp. 1-13. doi: 10.1080/02607476.2021.1992252
Weise, C., Alvarez, I.M. & Sarapura, N. (2021). Designing a deep intercultural curriculum in higher education: co-constructing knowledge with Indigenous women. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples. doi:
Walker, D., Lalueza, J.L., Marín-Suazo, C., & VanBeek, E. (2021). Developing the Imagination Within Funds of Identity: Insights from Translocal Youth Radio. Mind, Culture and Activity, 28(2), pp. 180-194. doi:
Giralt-Romeu, M., Liesa, E., y Castelló, M. (2021). Teacher identity as inquirer: Voices of Teacher Educators. European Journal of Teacher Education. doi: 10.1080/02619768.2021.2015319
Badia, A., & Clarke, A. (2021). The practicum-mentor identity in the teacher education context. Teaching Education, 1-17. doi: 10.1080/10476210.2021.1920910
Desenvolupament i intervenció en contextos de diversitat, inclusió i cooperació
La creació de comunitats de pràctiques, l’aprenentatge per a tots en contextos de diversitat i l’educació intercultural són principis orientadors de les línies de recerca i els projectes que es desenvolupen en aquest eix dins de l’equip SINTE. Consistents amb aquests principis, els projectes tant de recerca com de transferència, i les activitats formatives de l’equip en aquest eix es basen en l’apoderament dels aprenents i docents en diferents contextos i comunitats, assenyalades pels organismes internacionals (com en el darrer informe TALIS) com mecanismes de desenvolupament professional poc emprats i sobretot escassament investigats.
Bastart, C. y Flores, M. (2024). Un programa de tutoría entre iguales para la resolución de problemas matemáticos. Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa, 26.
Corcelles-Seuba, Sala-Bars, I., Soler, M., & Duran, D. (2024). Impact of Reciprocal Peer Observation on teachers’ collaboration perceptions. British Educational Research Journal, 00, 1–21.
Flores, M., Ribosa, J., & Duran, D. (2024). How does peer tutoring contribute to the development of reading comprehension? Evidence from ten years of practice. Revista de Psicodidáctica, 29(2), 176–184. doi: 10.1016/j.psicoe.2024.05.003
Flores, M., Sala‐Bars, Í., Ortiz, M., & Duran, D. (2024). Does reciprocal peer observation promote the transfer of learning to teaching practice? Psychology in the Schools, 61(10).
Lin, Y., Li, R., Ribosa, J., Duran, D., & Sun, B. (2024). Expert and Novice Teachers’ Cognitive Neural Differences in Understanding Students’ Classroom Action Intentions. Brain sciences, 14(11), 1080.
Miquel, E., Monguillot, M., Soler, M., & Duran, D. (2024). Reciprocal peer observation: A mechanism to identify professional learning goals. Education Inquiry.
Miquel, E., Sanahuja Gavaldà, J.M. and Moron-Velasco, M. (2024). Inclusive artistic space: a professional development environment based on collaboration between schools and artistic institutions, Journal of Professional Capital and Community,
Nieva, C., Aguilà, S., & Mas, M.T. (2024). La importancia de los Proyectos de Aprendizaje Tutorados en la formación permanente de los docentes de Educación Física. Retos, 51, 1282-1292.
Ribosa, J., Corcelles-Seuba, M.; Morodo, A. & Duran, D. (2024). Reducing teachers’ resistance to reciprocal peer observation. European Journal of Education, 00, e12606.
Ribosa, J., & Duran, D. (2024). Students creating videos for learning by teaching from their scientific curiosity. Research in Science & Technological Education, 42(2), 237-254.
Ribosa, J., Noguera, I., Monguillot, M., & Duran, D. (2024). Teachers’ closeness of professional relationship and its role in learning perception after reciprocal peer observation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 140, 104469.
Vallespí, Tarrés, Blanch-Gelabert, S., Forestello, A. M., & Arias-Sánchez, S. (2025-en prensa). Prácticas docentes resilientes en la relación entre profesorado y familias en contextos socioeconómicos vulnerables. Realidades y oportunidades en una fase de emergencia social. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación Del Profesorado.
Corcelles Seuba, M., Duran Gisbert, D., Flores Coll, M., Miquel Bertran, E., & Ribosa Martínez, J. (2023). Percepciones docentes sobre observación entre iguales: resistencias, agencia, procedimiento y objetivos de mejora. Estudios Sobre Educacion, 44, 35-58. doi: 10.15581/004.44.002
Corcelles-Seuba, M., Miquel, E., & Duran, D. (2023). Teachers’ perceptions of Reciprocal Peer Observation. Revista de Educación, 402, 237-266.
Fernández-Barros, A., Duran, D., & Viladot, L. (2023). Peer tutoring in music education: A literature review. International Journal of Music Education, 41(1), 129-140. doi: 10.1177/02557614221087761
Fernández-Barros, A., Duran, D., & Viladot, L. (2023). Peer tutoring as a tool for developing the intonation of violin and viola students in elementary music education. Music Education Research, 25(2), 176–189.
Lalueza, J. L., Peries, D., Valdivia , P. & Blanch Gelabert, S. (2023). ¿Qué sabemos acerca del impacto social de los programas de ApS universitario? Un estudio de caso. RIDAS. Revista Iberoamericana de Aprendizaje Servicio, 75-92.
Oller, M., Duran Gisbert, D., Ribosa Martinez, J., & Corcelles, M. (2023). Escribimos en pareja mediante la tutoria entre iguales. Articles de Didàctica de la Llengua i de la Literatura (Ed. impresa), (99), 57-62.
París, G., & Blanch, S. (2023). Espacios de aprendizaje relacional con artistas profesionales en la formación inicial de maestros. Eari Educación Artística Revista de Investigación, 14, 107–120.
Quiñones-Ramírez, F., Duran, D., & Viladot, L. (2023). Co-Teaching with High School Students for Music Teaching. Education Sciences, 13(10), 972.
Ribosa, J., & Duran, D. (2023). Students' feelings of social presence when creating learning-by-teaching educational videos for a potential audience. International journal of educational research, 117, 1-10. Article 102128. Advance online publication.
Alguacil, M., Sala-Bars, I., Ribalta, D., & Boqué, M. C. (2022) Discourses on racism in families with school-aged children in Catalonia, Journal of Peace Education, 19:3, 303-329, doi: 10.1080/17400201.2022.2143331
Álvarez-Valdivia, I. M. & Morón-Velasco, M. (2022). Educar por medio del arte en una escuela multicultural. magis, Revista Internacional de Investigación en Educación, 15, 1-23. doi:
Martin, S., Alvarez, I.M. & Espasa, A. (2022) Video feedback and Foreign Language Anxiety in online pronunciation tasks. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 19, 19. doi: 10.1186/s41239-022-00324-y
Mas, J. M., Dunst, C. J. Hamby, D. W., Balcells-Balcells, A., Garcia-Ventura, S. Baqués N. & Gine, C. (2022). Relationships between family-centred practices and parent involvement in early childhood intervention. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 37(1), pp. 1-13. doi: 0885-6257/
Ribosa, J., & Duran Gisbert, D. (2022). Do students learn what they teach when generating teaching materials for others? A meta-analysis through the lens of learning by teaching. Educational Research Review, 37, Article 100475. doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2022.100475
Ribosa, J., & Duran Gisbert, D. (2022). Student-Generated Teaching Materials: A Scoping Review Mapping the Research Field. Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS), 23, 27443. Article 27443. doi: 10.14201/eks.27443
Ribosa, J. & Duran, D. (2022) Students creating videos for learning by teaching from their scientific curiosity, Research in Science & Technological Education, doi: 10.1080/02635143.2022.2116419
Sala-Bars, I., Amat-Guillén, C., Mumbardó-Adam, C., & Adam-Alcocer, A. L. (2022). Más Allá de las Pautas DUA: El Rol de la Filosofía de Enseñanza en la Implementación del Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje. Revista latinoamericana de educación inclusiva, 16(2), 33-51. doi: 10.4067/S0718-73782022000200033
Sukackė V, Guerra AOPdC, Ellinger D, Carlos V, Petronienė S, Gaižiūnienė L, Blanch S, Marbà-Tallada A, Brose A. Towards Active Evidence-Based Learning in Engineering Education: A Systematic Literature Review of PBL, PjBL, and CBL. Sustainability. 2022, 14(21):13955.
Alvarez. I.M., Moron, M. & Román, P. (2021). Linking curriculum content to students’ cultural heritage in order to promote inclusion: an analysis of a learning-through-the arts project. International Journal of Inclusive Education. Published online: 17 Mar 2021. doi:
Duran, D., Flores, M., Ribas, T., & Ribosa, J. (2021). Student teachers’ perceptions and evidence of peer learning through co-teaching: improving attitudes and willingness towards co-teaching. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 36(2), 495-510. doi:
Duran, D., & Vázquez Rivas, A. (2021). Implementing Peer Tutoring for the Development of Empathy in Nursing Education. Investigacion y educacion en enfermeria, 39(2), e07.
García-Romero, D., Lalueza, J. L., & Blanch-Gelabert, S. (2021). Análisis De Un Proceso De Institucionalización Del Aprendizajeservicio Universitario. Athenea Digital: Revista de Pensamiento e Investigacion Social, 21(3), 1-27.
Lupon, A., Rodríguez-Lozano, P., Bartrons, M., Anadon-Rosell, A., Batalla, M., Bernal, S., Bravo, A. G., Capdevila, P., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Catalán, N., Genua-Olmedo, A., Gutiérrez-Cánovas, A., Feio, M. J., Lucati, F., Onandia, G., Poblador, S., Rotchés-Ribalta, R., Sala-Bubaré, A., Sánchez-Montoya, M., Sebastián, M., Zufiaurre, A., & Pastor, A. (2021) Towards women-inclusive ecology: Representation, behavior, and perception of women at an international conference. PLoS ONE, 16, e0260163. doi:
Rangel-Rodríguez, G.A., Badia, M., & Blanch, S. (2021). The Early Development of Emotional Competence Profile: A Means to Share Information About Emotional Status and Expression by Children With Complex Communication Needs. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30 (2), pp. 551-565. doi: /
Robinson, S., Tejada, J., & Blanch, S. (2021). La maestra de educación infantil en sus primeros años de trabajo: De la formación inicial al ejercicio de la profesión. Pensamiento educativo, Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana (PEL).
Zhang-Yu, C., García-Díaz, S., García-Romero, D., & Lalueza, J.L. (2021). Funds of identity and self-exploration through artistic creation: addressing the voices of youth. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 28(2), pp. 138-152.